What are electronic chemicals?


The electronics industry is a high-tech industry that has developed rapidly in the past 30 s. The development level of the electronic industry with computers and large integrated circuits as the core has become an important symbol to measure the level of science and technology of a country. Experts from Anhui high-purity argon manufacturer pointed out that electronic chemicals are special chemicals that support the electronics industry. The development of the electronics industry relies on the development of electronic chemicals and electronic chemical materials.

There are many varieties of electronic chemicals, few venues, high quality requirements, strict environmental approval requirements, and fast waiting points for product upgrades. At present, the chemicals supporting the electronics industry include ultra-clean and high-purity reagents, special gases, photoresists, plastic packaging materials, grinding and polishing materials and materials for printed circuit board manufacturing (dry glue corrosion resistance, cleaning, chemical ships, Electroplating solutions and their additives, photoresists, fluxes and fluxes, etc.).

Electronic chemicals are developing rapidly in China. In recent years, their average annual growth rate has been about 15 per cent. China needs nearly 20000 kinds of electronic chemicals, accounting for 65% of all electronic materials. At present, China's electronic chemicals market has reached more than 8 billion billion yuan. More than 100 companies are involved in the development and production of electronic chemicals. The production capacity is about 20000 tons, and nearly 1200 varieties can be mass produced. In 2010, the total turnover of electronic chemicals will reach 26 billion to 28 billion yuan. However, in the past ten years, China's technological level has been lagging behind that of developed countries.

Keywords: What are electronic chemicals?